Sunday, April 13, 2014

Pre-Course Survey

Blogger is not allowing me to put a link at the top of the page.. so for the time being, here is my survey link


Week 6

I think the greatest learning this week came from a combination of reading and doing. This week I was at a learning conference in Louisville, KY. It was amazing to hear conversations about how we need to move adult education in business forward with online learning... but not for the reason I was thinking. It was because tools that are being used to conduct job functions are remote. For example, remote doctors. They need to be trained on a equipment and conducting remote exams.
The first question which was asked was: What does a successful remote exam look like? Ahh.. the assessment first! The next question is how do we make sure they are getting it while we are in training (because training is so expensive- both in wages of the doctor and lost time in work). AHHH! Formative assessments!
They talked about what has to be done to ensure we are tracking learning and they used the same model we read about in our articles. Internal, peer to peer, and then for them the ultimate test- the patient (the instructors put themselves in this place initially).
Teaching the process was pretty easy, but teaching the "bedside manner" was not so easy. They commented on how the peer to peer evaluations on the private blogs they had were most helpful. It was feedback from another doctor, not someone who is selling the tool they were using. This made it much more authentic in their eyes. I didn't read that in my readings exactly, but I think the articles implied the importance of this. Especially when in the end the final decider on if they learned what they need to learn was the patient.